Friday, March 23, 2007

Adding Drop-Down Menu Select to Brausch Relusi Link Exchange Moderation PHP Script

The James D. Brausch Relusi Link Exchange Software is a pretty slick way to get some link exchanges. It is generally assumed that both inbound and outbound links help in getting better search engine page ranking for your e-commerce website. Relusi is designed to do just that.

Update 2009-06-18: I no longer am an affiliate for this product and no longer recommend it.

But Relusi has some rough edges. One of them is the lack of a drop-down menu for the link moderator/administrator to select or change the category a link should be in. It has to be done by typing some category into a text box.

So, I've made some changes to the script to allow category selection by clicking a selection in a drop-down menu. I've done similarly for the Munius Article Moderation PHP script.

For complete details, including the actual script (PHP code) changes that you can implement in your scripts, see:
Adding Drop-Down Menu Select to Brausch's Relusi Link Exchange Moderation Script
Tweaking Brausch' Munius Article Moderation Script

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Brausch Artemis Pro Customer Service

A visitor to my site e-Commerce Biz (Internet Business) wrote to me about a problem he had with Artemis Pro that he got as part of a package from Brausch.
Both my laptop and my desk top tell me “File A not found” when I try and submit an article. Then another window pops up and reads “Please fix the problems associated with the article(s).”

I don’t now what this is talking about. When I purchased his products I got them in an all-in-one package. Did not get any kind a receipt. So customer support will not let me in.
I too have had problems with Brausch customer support. Further, the only documentation for products are videos, which leave a great deal to be desired in many instances as to clarity and completeness. There are no online FAQ pages, much less FAQ pages updated in response to customer inquiries.

FWIW, I sent the following response to my reader, just to make sure he was doing things right. We shall see if it works for him. If I hear back, look for a comment to this post.
Hello .....
My commiserations to you:

The only thing I can suggest is to make sure you have the three versions of the article and the resource file in the same directory as artemis.exe,


The file naming convention is STRICT:
An article name followed by a dash then a number (the SAME number for the three versions), then the letter a, b, c for each version, then ".txt". The resource file has to be named the same basic article name followed by a "-resource.txt".

I have no help to offer regarding submitting to your external publication list, as I have't been able to get that to work, myself.

FWIW, other files as part of Artemis are, and in the same directory are:
log.txt (probably optional)
postit.txt (probably optional)

Monday, March 5, 2007

I'm Deleting Some James Brausch Related... Why?

Simply because the posts here regarding his site posts have done me no good, and will do you no good. They were just taking up space. They were about a cruise, the DVD Player, and one of two about Information Products on DVD. If you are really interested, they are on his blog from near the end of February to present.

My posts were in response to posts on his blog which did a lot for HIS Google rankings, since I and many others linked to him, but since he linked back to, maybe three or four others max, NOT including me, it didn't do me a bit of good.

And I don't expect to ever get a mention on his blog. He has had the opportunity to review much of my stuff here in the past, and hasn't done so. Unlike other peoples' comments about him and/or his products, many of mine contain some criticism as well as kudos; I am not a toady. That seems to be a problem. ;>)

So, while some of his products seem to have value, and I PROMOTE THEM as an affiliate, I see no purpose in continuing to promote his site without mutuality.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Information Products on DVD vs. Download

James Brausch has decided to switch to furnishing many of his products as DVDs that he has a service duplicate and mail out for him.

He cites what are to him some advantages:

1) One of the main ones, it seems to me, in MY words, is that it makes it more difficult for the customer to apply for and get a refund. He cites a high return rate for downloaded products.

Hey, maybe the products are good, but maybe not THAT GOOD, for the price, in customers' evaluations.

2) Higher perceived value by customers, as opposed to downloaded products.

Maybe "last month/last year", but not today. Yes, that's MNSHO. Maybe that is my problem: I don't see what the advantage of having to plow through a 20 minute to an hour DVD or on-line video, even, to find out what five minutes of reading of a well-prepared .pdf doc could do instead. With a DVD/video in addition, illustrating SELECTED points that ARE more efficaciously illustrated by video.

In other words, use the appropriate medium for the message.