Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Disabling Comments in Munius Article Directory PHP Script

I am questioning the value of the James Brausch Munius article directory submission PHP scripts. I am doing that because I have not gotten many good article submissions to my Munius article directories. Probably 95% are porno spam.

Update 2009-06-18: No longer using or supporting Munius, and no longer offering products to "fix" it.

Frankly, I don't know if the Munius article directories are doing me much good or not, but I am keeping them for the time being. In the meantime, to keep the article data directory under control, I have a script program I use (which is also available for sale for your use). (deleted.) With my PHP scripts, I, and you, can permanently delete all those spam articles after rejecting them during article moderation.

My script also removes rejected and unconfirmed comments. Probably 99% of them are porno spam. What I am getting are totally useless -- and time and resource consuming.
1) 99% of them are spam
2) An e-mail box has to be monitored.
3) Some extra clicks of my (link deleted) Munius Packing PHP script program are needed to get rid of them permanently -- get rid of the clutter -- from from the article data directory.
So, I have concluded: Why have comments at all in the Munius article directories?

I have rid myself of the problem by modifying the Munius scripts to completely remove the ability to add comments, and thus to eliminate the need to moderate them.

Three scripts require simple modifications:

Details -- the actual PHP code modifications -- are shown on my e-Commerce Business website in the article entitled "Munius Article Directory Spam Comments Disabling"